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Wednesday 19 August 2009

Count Down ....

3...2...1... !

Hello There;)
Right, alot of poll's alot of dates and count downs;)
Lets start off with the agent poll ...
Well, Not much too tell - It finishes in 12 hours !!
I personally think Yellowhouse deserves too be an agent;) And Lucario.
They're such good chobots :D Good Luck You Guys;)
Next is my Mod poll - That ends Saturday 22nd - 3 days :) So just vote for you'r favorite mod :) Once thats over then I'll post the results and put a new poll up;)
Now, This bit is very important ! 30% off 12 months citizen ship runs out in 11 days, So go and get the citizen ship now at a lower price :) You'll also recieve flame wings;)
Do you like my new header?
Ohh and theres some hot updates coming this autum too Chobots !