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Friday 21 August 2009

Picnik !! - Great Header Help !

Hello guys !
Alot of you keep asking me how I make my headers and what template and what programe,
So i decided too post about it so you all know about it.
First of all go too this link, too find out how too do headers like Loy121.Quick & Simple(Using photoshop)

Right, so too do my headers I use a programe called Picnik. Now you cant upload picnik or find it on the internet.You have too use a networking site called Facebook. Wich im sure you've all heard of:) Once you're on that you search Picnik and then click 'use this application'.
So, you'r on it then. Now you go too you'r regular paint programme and make the template of your header(All you have too do is the size & background colour) Now, save it too you'r computer.Now go back too Picnik and click upload picture from your compter. Then find your template. The rest is now simple. Now you just click create (which is in big bold text-easy too spot) Then you should know what too do then, everything is simple and explains its self from that point on. If you do need any more info about it, a clearer explination or if you want me too make you one just email :)
