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Saturday 10 October 2009

Chobots Ideas :)

Hello There.
I have a few ideas for and I'd like too share them!
Read below and please do not copy them ! As there my own thoughts.

New Rooms
Firstly, there should be some new rooms!
1. An art room would be good;) On the walls there would be small icons of published artwork by chobots! If you click on the art work then it will fill the screen (enlarge) There will be a button saying Buy, So you can buy there artwork. To buy other peoples artwork it will cost 50 bugs. The owner of the painting (the one that some one bought) will recieve the bugs. Basicly, say if Hiki drew a picture and it was published too the wall.I would buy it for 50 bugs, and Hiki would recive 50 bugs =] Hehe, Get me ? To buy your own art work will be free ! And finally, with the pictures you buy, you can decorate you'r home with them. You could hang them up on walls ect.
2.A medetation room =] This room will have lots of tables and you can buy lots of food (Pies, Waffles ect) It will have a calm soothing tune playing in the background. You can just sit down and relax :)
3. A disco room! This would be good for partys. The floor could be a 'dance floor' with lights flashing everywere. There could be a big sterio and music could be playing ! You could also buy new instruments there =] This room should be big and be able too fit alot of chobots in with out major lag. Also, In this room should also be a new game, Wich leads me on too my next header...
New Games
1. There should be a game in the Disco room, Were you copy the steps shown on the screen, Kinda like a dance mat! Theres no information really- about this, as its a straight forward game :)
2. Make Some food game :) Were you go into the cafe (or meddatation room) and it will show you a sweet, food or drink and you have too make it. You have 3 lives so, if you get it incorrect then you loose a life. For each 'thing' you make you will recieve 25 bugs =] So, its a good way of earning bugs. Once you have made a food/drink you get moved up a level and win bugs. Once you get too level 15 you will recive an extra 500 bugs :)
New food
Like I mentioned before - we need some new food :) Like waffles, and pie - and maybe some milk . But too make it even more fun, if you want milk you have too go too the cow mission and get a bucket of milk and then you put it in a cup and drink it - or you could sell it too the catoloug for 5 bugs each time some one drinks it :) hehe.
New cloths
We defenatly need some new cloths - for juniors !
It seems as chobots only want citizens too be happy and they have all the cloths.
Us juniors have the same old cloths too wear and theres not many of them!!
We should get all the items back that got removed ( Tutu, dummys, ties, earings ect)
And headphones and angel suits should go back to being none citizen. Also, non-citizen should be able too buy the light bulb and play the nichos mission. =]
As for new cloths, I have tones of ideas - too many too put on here. So i'll share a few of them !
We should be able too buy jewelerry and hats. And we should have some skirt too! For boys, we should have pants/shorts & maybe some new hair !! And for both we should have some shoes - we don't have much of them, (Flipflops, heels, ballet shoes)
Also, 'Cause juniors can't buy citizen stuff. Citizens shouldn't be aloud to buy Junior items :D
So its all fair !!
Ideas for partys
1.One day we should have a Prom :) And give every notice, so they know. Then - the day of the prom put some prom cloths in the catoloug (Girls - Dress, Jewlerry, Hair, Heels, Bag, Purse) (Boys - Suits, Rose, Shoes, Fancy hair) - Put a different vaiety of cloths so were not all the same- Once there in the catoloug - leave them for about 4 hours and make them free. Once the 4 hours is up - Make them 100 bugs each, then leave them for the rest of the day, And then about 3 hours before the party make them 450 bugs each!! And them leave them till about 15 minutes till the party. Then maybe remove them !! In the prom you could have partners but then maybe its classed as dating ( Im not sure) So, maybe dance in groups :) And doo some magic. And rain ONCE!! Rain a rose, So every chobot remembers there Prom night ! After that one rain - theres no more. And if any one begs for rain afterwards then you could possibly ban there account untill the party ends ( Yes, its kinda harsh but they deserve it )
2.Halloween party !! Do the same as the Prom but instead of Prom items in the catoloug, We could have halloween items =] And do the same with the bugs. Also, Like I said before - rain once - And that could be somthing, that you couldn't of bougt like a spider or somthing lol :)
Halloween Quest - Do it between 20th October-9th November.
You get given a trick or treat bag each by chobots support gang. And you have too find 10 different sweets wich are hidden in chobots :) Once you find them all you recive a Halloween background and maybe a halloween costume of ur choice!
Maybe doo the same with other holidays we celebrate, Christmas, Easter ect :)

Thats only some of my ideas :)
I will post the rest either later on or tomorrow !