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Monday 26 October 2009

Chobots These Days -.-

Hello Chobots,
Recently theres been alot of bad chobots. Swearing/Dating/Teasing/Giving Out Personal Info ect. They need too be taugh a lesson - or atleast, taught the rules !!

You may think that swearing makes you cool - but it dosen't ! You may think that you can get past the system by putting extra letters in or spaces - you cant! You have too understand that eventually you will be caught and loose you'r chat, or maybe even worse then that. Youu may get banned! The question is Why are you swearing? If you'r about too swear ask you'r self that. 99.9% chance is that the answer will be 'I don't know' There is no reason too swear - especially on Chobots. If some one is bugging you, Keep you'r cool and don't let it get too you. Maybe sort it out in a calm mature way. Swearing is a no go.But It is up too you though, No one can stop you. So go ahead and swear but think about what your giving up - Your account and friends ! And, If you think you can get away with it - Think again ! 'Cause you woant.

Dating/Sexual Behavior
Simple. If you want too date do it else were ! Not on a family game were you could actually be speaking too a little 5 year old or a 40 year old. The best thing too do is too not date at all over internet/chat rooms. As you don't know who you'r talking too. And alot of you lie about you'r age - a massive 92.6% of you do ! And as for sexual behavior - Thats taking it way over the lie. A young child may hear or watch you do this and maybe know things they should. Like I said, Do it else were. We don't want you here on Chobots !!

Personal Info
Please don't ask or mention you'r personal information-Such as your real name, phone number, home address. You can say for eg ' I live in the Uk or Newyork' But nothing like your street name or number. As for you'r age, I don't know. Mods say its up too you realy if you want people too know. I personally would allow it as you wouldn't really want too be speaking too some one years older then you or years younger :)

Teasing others
Please don't skit anyone for there race or oppinion. Everyones different - Just accept it !

Begging for rain
Okay, I must admit - everyone has asked atleast once. To be honest theres nothing wrong with that. Although, Once it gets too spamming and non stop 'RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN' Its a serious matter ! It for one makes people lag, fills up the screen with text - so even if it dose rain, you can't see it ! And also its annoying too mods and others - especially when they have rained tones already. If you missed it dont spam saying 'you missed it rain again'. You should of kept your eye on it if you wanted it that bad. You should be grate full any rain at all. Personally, I think magic is way better. Its fun ! And rain is just some items falling from the sky -.-

I think i've went over most of the rules.
Lets hope this makes a difference and reduces the amount of bad chobots!

PS: It may have taken you 5 minutes too read that - but it taken me a very long time too type it. So please don't copy. Ofcorse you can put it in you'r own words. Just don't copy and paste!
PSS: If you see a bad chobot don't make a fuss, Just correct them (Eg - Please do not swear:) Report and ignore them ! Don't say anything else - they just want attention !
PSSS: I'm working on Major updates for this blog
PSSSS: Did you know that alot of people are coming up too me and Congratulating my blog ! There saying how awsom it is ;) I - We have fans !