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Monday 23 November 2009

Best Dressed - Semi Final

Hello Chobots,
My 'Best Dressed' poll has ended and I have the results.

In First place is Lavadog with a whopping 10 votes out of 21 (:
In second place is Newy82 with 5 votes !
In joint third place is Itsjustjoey & Bubblepop09.

Usually, At this part of the competition I would take the person
with the least votes out of the competition :]
But, as last place is joint, I have a hard decision to make.
But, going by previous Polls, I'm officially taking Itsjustjoey out of the poll:)
Well done Bubble :]

Righty Oh then, The next poll will be up asap.
Remember, this week, you'r vote is more important then ever.
As this vote will decide the 2 chobot that will go to the finals.
After that, Its up to some special guests ! :-)
Anyways, Lets get throug this week first.
Here are the contestants :
(Remember; Ganzy2,Paulyte2009 &Itsjustjoey are no longer in the comp)

So, Our Semi Final contestants are :
Lavadog (1)
Newy82 (4)
Bubblepop09 (5)

Good Luck & Get Voting!

PS: Some people are saying that this contest is 'unfair' because of peoples status (agents,junior,citizen) And one chobot said that Lavadog is going to win easily because she is an agent. I kinda agree, but lets see what the results turn out to be. You never know, We might suprize you!:)