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Sunday 1 November 2009

Guess the location ....

Hello There,
I've taken 3 pictures from around Chobots and you'r job is too guess were they were taken.
Winner will recieve 200 bugs :) They're slighly hard, but im sure you'll guess them.

Picture 1 #

Picture 2#

Picture 3#

Picture 2 & 3 are quite easy, were as the first picture is abit harder !
Good Luck & Don't forget the prize !
~200 Bugs~


mousyblack said...

1. mission agency
2. inside the shop
3. cafe XD

_Jess2000_ said...

well the first one is the mission agency building, with cow mission and nichos inside.
the second is inside the clothes shop and the 3rd is in cafe street the logo on the cafe

_Jess2000_ said...

it took me longer too write mine coz i gave an explanation.