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Saturday 7 November 2009

Im looking for a new author !

Hello Guys,
Alot of you guys know that I don't usually add Authors too my blog,
But now I'm looking for one special Chobot who would like too
Be an Author on my sucsessful blog.

Your ofcorse need too know how too blog.
I'd prefer you too have a blog of your own too.
I also need you too guarantee too post almost everyday!
Alot of people have already asked me and i'v said they'll be first priority.
But, even if you haven't asked, you still have a good chance.
Just comment on here, I would like this info -
1.Your Chobots Name & Chobots Age
2.All the blogs you work on. (If you work on any)
3.How long you'v been blogging for.
4.Any special skills.
5.Why you should work on my blog. (Small paragraph) (Optional)

The more info you give me, The higher you'r chance.
I'll pick my author in roughly a few days:)
Good Luck !


Yellowhouse said...

Yellowhouse and Im 224 days old on chobots
I work on many blogs D= You can just see on my dashboard....
I've been blogging for 7 months
My special skill is very good at adding widgets and can post many posts in a day
I should be an author cuz I can post many posts everyday and Im glad to work on this blog with you :)


lux said...

My name is lucario and i am 319
I work on a few blogs:
I've been blogging for 7 months (same as yellow)
My psecial skill is on typing correctly (lol) and i can make some nice headers, beter than my blogs one.
I should be an author as i enjoy blogging, and i would love to help you with your blog.


P.S. I may not be able to post a lot, but i always try my best.

Bubblepop09 said...

Heii Juicy.
Youu knoww mee lol!!!
Im Bubblepopx (bubblepop09) and im 341 onn Bubblepopx. I work on 1 blog. My own, so i'l have tones of time too post. I've been blogging for about 2 years now. About 1 year for chobots though. Erm, Im good at gramar & doing lots of posts. I make good headers. And i can add gadgets (trackers,banners,text boxs)and i can add pictures too 1
I think i should be an author 'cause ii know how too do everything as im very familiar with blogger and chobots!

(I say this coz i have 2 well known accounds lol)BUBBLEPOP09 & BUBBLEPOPX !

Bubblepop09 said...

ii meann accounts! XD

miSssharpay said...

im misssharpay.
i would love 2 be auther,
i work on a blog,thats mine
i will post lots
and i can add picz
i wanna b auther plz

♫Skett♫ said...

Hey Juicy!
3.Ive been blogging for 5 months now
4.I know how to post pics I could put cool widgets for blogs and also edited pics
5.I want to work o ur blog bcus helping chobots is a good thing and i want to help chobots not only for the sake of blogging but for the sake of ppl who need info :)

Good lucks guys!
But do we need to tell our emails???
just askin

♫Skett♫ said...

well i cant always post if their r sume school stuff O-o
I hate those

abree12 said...

Heya!My chobots name is abree12.My chobots is..
230 days old.Blogs i work on is ebtmas blog,, blog) and i think thats all the blogs i work on.hmm..I have been bloging since July 2009.I can get really awsome templates to match the header and all that, I can get cool widgets like; Tic tac scare, music, little animated animals,Fun minigames,Dahdomes (chat boxes),chobit trackers, and many more.I think its fun to work on blogs and post.And most of all i like helping chobots that need help!And if some chobot was on vaction and miss stuff they could tjust go to a blog and find out what happend.I would love to be on ur blog!
My chobots e-mail is send mail to me so i can send u my private e-mail becuase thats what e-mail i have my blog in!Thanks!Good luck to all!

Juicyqueen said...

@ Skett, Nope, I don't need your email at the moment. :)