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Sunday 29 November 2009

Chobots HQ

Hello Guys N Gals :)
Ever wanted to blog about chobots, But don't want to run you'r own blog ? I have the right thing for you. The idea is that all chobots will be able to freely post when ever they want (: Without commiting too a blog or making you'r own. You just have to register at Don't worry! This was made by Chobot (Our mod) So, everything is safe for you. When you post it will show on the home page of the blog , where people can view your post & comment ! You will not get kicked of the blog at all. But everything has a few exeptions. If your a bad chobot & your curse or write about bad things ... thats when you'll get kicked of the blog! So, wanna get blogging ? Visit and join now.
