Hello Guys,
I've been thinking, I've been blogging on this blog for about 8 months and altogether i've made 456 visible posts & 214 edited :) Thats alot I think ! I enjoy blogging about Chobots, But what I want to know is whether you enjoy reading my posts ? Do you like my blog ?
My blog isn't the best, I know that. Most blogs are better then mine, But it dosen't mean they put more effort into their blogs then I do. Because to be honest, I put 110% into this blog, and I post when ever I have spare time. I care about this blog & I want it to go far. I've been blog of the week 4 times I think, on the official blog :] That made me really happy, and made me know that my blog isn't just there for me. I have 72 followers ! Whoa, too me thats loads. But compared to you'r blogs, Its nothing. Your blogs have hundreds,If not thousands of followers! Now thats alot! What i'm trying to get at here, Is that, I may not have lots of uniqe gagdets or the latest flash on this blog, But one thing is for sure that I put all my effort into posts and letting you know about Chobots!
Do you like this blog is the question ? Well alot of people must do because, If this blog had no viewers or very little viewers then this blog would not even be here. I carry on this blog for you ! My readers :] So, Please appreciate my blog. And please don't think of it as nothing. Sure, If you don't like this blog, you don't have to visit. But like I said, I give maximum effort into this blog all for you ! So, yea :) I hope you understand what i'm getting at here.
Right, anyway (: I've been posting alot, But do you like reading them ? If you don't, what could be improved ? What am I doing wrong ? Please inform me of these things, because we learn from our mistakes, If I don't get told, I'll never know & I'll be doing it wrong untill some one lets me know. This is you'r chance to tell me your thoughts on this blog. Please either email Juicyqueen-blog@hotmail.co.uk or comment on this post !
Thanks for your couperation:)
Sunday, 29 November 2009
So Many Posts !
Labels: Author, Blog, Chobots, juicyqueen
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